Sunday, February 24, 2008

on being The President

Our organization(UPLB Tubong Dabaw) had it's elections last night. It was both a fun and nerve-racking experience. I was elected as the new president of the organization which was a proud and humbling moment for me.

A year ago, i never expected that i would become the president of our organization. I thought that i did not possess the leadership skills needed for the position.

Before, in my own point of view, I am someone who's irresponsible, lazy, unorganized and someone who doesn't have any initiative. On the brighter side, i always had lots of ideas. Ideas on how i can make things better. I always presented these ideas, and somehow, some people saw potential in me.

Those people who saw the potentials that i have, elected me as the PRO, which I think gave me the chance to serve the organization well. Through this, they foresaw that I could be the next head of the organization, which I am now. *blush*

I think most of my high school friends would be perplexed by this. I think I really didn't show potential or interests in being a leader back in high school. Which only shows that people, in the right environment, can become better or greater. hehehe


Paul said...

yeah! naa na pud diay kay blog diri... hehe... Go Datu Daku! Congrats rapapap!

Z said...

wow! congrats ralph! :)

languid said...

tnx!! hehe